
2023-2024 Lectures

The 2023-2024 season of lecture meetings is now complete. Lectures will resume in the autumn.


Wed 10th Jan Falkirk Laurieston 19:30
- Douglas Cooper "Update on night sky, society activities and technical advances"

Fri 9th Feb Stirling Highland Hotel 19:30
- Dr Ancy Anna John (St Andrews University) "Exoplanets"

Wed 13th Mar Falkirk Laurieston 19:30
- Douglas Cooper "M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, and an update on the night sky"

Fri 12th Apr Stirling Highland Hotel 19:30
- Dr Alan Cayless "The Moon"

Wed 8th May Falkirk Laurieston 19:30
- Douglas Cooper "The Recent Revolution in Refractor Telescopes" plus updates on the night sky

These lecture meetings are free and anyone with an interest in astronomy is welcome to attend, whether a Member of the Society or not.

Downloadable 2024 calendar (PDF)